Constitution of the Linlithgow & Bo’ness Probus Club

The Club shall be called the Linlithgow & Bo’ness Probus Club

Aims and Objectives 

The purpose of the club shall be to provide a regular meeting point for retired professional and business people who appreciate and value increased social contacts in their retirement and opportunities to meet others in similar circumstances.


Membership shall be open to all retired professional and business people. Application for membership shall be sponsored by 2 existing members and subject to approval by the club. The total membership shall be as determined by the club.

Office Bearers

There shall be a President, Vice President, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer who shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting. All office bearers shall retire at the Annual General Meeting but shall be eligible for re-election to any post.


The business of the club shall be managed by the club itself or by a committee of such number of members as may be determined by the club. The office bearers shall be ex-officio members of such a committee.


The regular meetings shall take place at such times and at such venues as may be decided by the club.

The Annual General Meeting shall be held in March of each year, at such time and place as shall be determined by the club, with at least 2 weeks notice of such a meeting.


Voting at meetings shall be by show of hands or by ballot if so determined. In the event of an equal division of voted the Chairman of the meeting shall have a second or casting vote.


The quorum of all meetings shall be one third of the membership of the club or the committee, whichever is appropriate.


The subscription shall be £20 per annum unless otherwise determined at an Annual General Meeting.


An Income and Expenditure Account for the present year to the last day of February shall be prepared for approval at the Annual General Meeting after audit and approval by a member appointed at the previous Annual General Meeting.

Changes to Constitution

Alterations of these rules and constitution shall be made at the Annual General Meeting and after at least 2 weeks notice of the proposed alteration has been given to members.